Together We Can Ensure a Future for the YES House
Due to the economic downturn in Campbell County and the State of Wyoming, funds available to the Y.E.S. House has decreased over the past three years. To counter this reduction, the Y.E.S. House Foundation has launched an endowment campaign to raise $3,000,000 – $3,250,000 over the next two years. This money will be put in an investment fund with the Wyoming Community Foundation, which will be maintained with withdrawals of principal. The income from with will be available to the Y.E.S. to offset the deficits in yearly revenue.
Every year the Y.E.S. House helps to protect, heal and care for an average of 1,000 youth and their families throughout Northeast Wyoming.
With over 100 employees and a budget of nearly $7.7 million, the Y.E.S. House has a positive economic impact to the community by producing an additional 107.3 indirect jobs and approximately $6.5 million to the income of Campbell County. Because of the health and welfare of the youth and families that are served by the Y.E.S. House and the economic contribution that the Y.E.S. House makes to Campbell County, it is imperative that the Y.E.S. House plan for its future so that funds are available to keep the Y.E.S. House open and operating.
To learn more about the endowment, please reach out to Mary Melaragno at [email protected] or by calling 307-686-0669, ext. 1009 or 307-696-3670.
Ready to help make a difference? Please complete the Y.E.S House Foundation Gift Agreement.
Thank You for Supporting the Y.E.S. House
Adrian Gerrits & Lee Sowada
Ashley Fraser
Ayers Family
Carl & Carol Ekman
Chad Hooker
Charlene Edwards
Charlie & Teresa Anderson
Cody Friedlan
DaNece Day, Day Law
Dan & Janis Price
Deborah Proctor & Jerry Bennett
Doug Lesley
Dr. Joseph Lawrence
Dr. Nick & Cathy Stamato
Dwight Hurich
First National Bank of Gillette
First Northern Bank of Wyoming
Fitzgerald Foundation for Children
Gerald & Gwen Geis
Gillette Whiskey Club
Hladky Family, Cyclone Drilling
In Honor of Jerri Wandler & the Dedicated YES House Staff
In Memory of Hazel and Hank Barney
James & Sheela Schermetzler
Jeremy & Deborah Michaels
Jerri & Mike Wandler
John & Dara Corkery
Joseph Oleinik
Judith Boyle
Katrin & Jeremiah Wagner
Kendon & Dr. Billie Wilkerson
Kevin Murphy Family
Leah & Rusty Stevens
Lee & Peg Isenberger
McLeland Family, M&K Oil Company
Michael & Margie VonFlatern
Mike Deegan
Mike Fuller, Fuller & Schaedler Law Firm, LLC
Paul & Christy Gerrits
Robert & Nancy Sorenson